Last.fmで遭遇したLUOMO(ルオモ)。フィンランド出身のVladislav Delayの別名義プロジェクト。艶やかで静かなヴォーカルハウスはとっても心地よい。「The Present Lover」はLUOMOの1stアルバム。北欧の冷たさと暖かさが、耳を刺激します。収録曲のTessioは、目を瞑りながらずっと踊っていたい染みる名曲。 I guess you turn me on,When you’re gone,For me it didn’t go wrong,we just made another song. Off getting it alone,Never asking if for long,It’s just that the world ain’t enough,And it never was for the two of us. Baby, it’s ok. I guess you made me warm,When you do the hum,Making everybody come,Getting creative with your charm. I tried to be all yours,Over line ain’t answering your calls,Don’t say it’s false,I’m only following my thoughts. Baby it’s ok,We’ll make it better,Baby, I, I’ll survive,Without these women in my life ( Tessio / LUOMO )